Photographic bicycle counts

Photographic bicycle counts manual

Photographic bicycle counts combines the reliability of the automated processes with the practical and low-cost practice of manual bike counts.

This new method of bicycle counting was developed to respond to the needs of cyclists groups as well as civic organizations as partners in the process of local bikeway planning.

The translation of this manual, originally produced in Portuguese by a non-profit organization in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil by the name of Transporte Ativo (Active Transport), was meant to target the same goals in other countries. Furthermore, it offers a low-cost and efficient way to monitor the flow of bicycle traffic.

Throughout the world, bicycle counts have been incompletely and infrequently performed. Unlike the established methodology for counting motor vehicles, monitoring cycle use is still in its infancy.

In addition, bicycle counts have usually been a difficult, expensive and labor-intensive task for transit authorities.

From an urban policy perspective, growth in bicycle traffic (rather than motor vehicle traffic) is desirable, as the bicycle is the most efficient vehicle in terms of road space, parking space, fuel consumption and emissions. Increased bicycle use can reduce the need for new and expensive road infrastructure, which improves the efficiency of the overall transport system.

Once cycling is supported at a policy level by local, regional and national governments, cost-effective methods of monitoring cycling activity will be needed to monitor the effectiveness of existing and future policies.

The manual’s topics covered include: reasons to monitor bicycle traffic, where and when to do the counts, advantages and disadvantages of both automated and manual bicycle counts. In addition, all you need to know about photographic bicycle counts: equipment, locale, countig method and technical report.

Free download here.

One thought on “Photographic bicycle counts

  1. Hola me encanta el movimiento que realizan en Brasil, con las bicicletas además de crear conciencia por la ecología crear conciencia por la vida de los seres humanos que es más importante que un automóvil último modelo. No somos seres materialistas por naturaleza, sino que el mismo sistema capitalista (consumista) nos crea seres insensibles capaces de adquirir un bien material por el sólo hecho de creernos más importante que el resto, el movimiento que ustedes emprenden en Brasil hace crear conciencia de la necesidad de pensar en el otro, y con las pequeñas cosas cotidianas del día a día podemos hacer grandes cambios a nivel mundial, porque cada uno de nosotros despierte a uno sólo de este mundo ese sólo vale oro, y hará despertar del sueño americano a muchos, lo que nos llevará a respetarnos y hacernos cada vez más humanos, como fuimos desde el inicio de nuestro origen. A seguir por un mundo lleno de paz, alegría y con amor a la vida, a la vida de todo ser vivo.

    Saludos desde Argentina

    Saludos a Xaba que me acerco a conocer su movimiento en Brasil, principalmente a Vitória
    p/d: Perdón por el castellano, entiendo el portugués pero no se escribirlo. Saludos

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